Share information
Welcome to Rejlers’ stock information page, where you can explore details about the company’s shares. Here, you find an overview of Rejlers’ share structure, shareholder insights, share capital history, dividend policy, historical stock data and access stock-related documents.
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Share facts
This page provides an overview of Rejlers’ share structure, trading details, and financial data per share.
Rejlers’ shareholders
Here you will find contact details for Rejlers’ shareholder inquiries and a list of the top 10 shareholders.
Share capital
This page outlines the history of Rejlers’ share capital transactions, detailing increases in share capital and total shares from 2003 to 2023.
Dividend policy
This page explains Rejlers’ dividend policy, aiming to distribute around 50% of the company’s earnings as dividends.
Historic stock look up
This page allows you to view historical stock data for Rejlers, providing insights into past share prices and performance.
Stock related documents
On this page you can find historical documents related to Rejlers’ stock, such as aqusitions and prospects.