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Justification, definition and calculation of key figures

This page explains the key financial figures used by Rejlers, including how they are defined, why they are important, and how they are calculated. These insights provide a clear understanding of the metrics that drive our financial performance.

How We Measure Performance

Key performance indicatorsJustificationDefinitionCalculation 2023
Organic growth, %The company’s ability to grow with existing resourcesChange in net sales in local currency, cpw previous year’s period, excluding acquired companies174.3/3,513.0=5.0%
Aquired growth, %The company’s ability to grow through acquisitionChange in net sales in local currency in acquired companies, cpw previous year’s period304.5/3,513.0=8.7%
Currency effect, %, %The company’s currency effect on growthChange in net sales attributable to currency effects96.5/3,513.0=2.7%
Adjusted EBITA, SEK millionMeasures of the company’s operating and underlying profit excluding items affecting comparabilityEBITA excluding items affecting comparability306.2+20.0=326.2
Adjusted EBITA margin, %Measures of the efficiency of the companyAdjusted EBITA/Net sales326.2/4,088-3=8.0%
Items affecting comparability, SEK millionIt clarifies the development of
the underlying operations and
improves the comparison between
different periods
Income and expenses that are not
expected to arise on a regular basis
in operating activities
EBITA, SEK millionMeasures of operational and cash-generating profitEBIT with the reversal of acquisition-related items306.2
EBITA margin, %Measures of the efficiency of the companyEBITA/Net sales306.2/4,088.3=7.5%
Operating profit (EBIT), SEK millionMeasures of operating profit excluding financial items, ie regardless of indebtednessEBITA less acquisition-related items235
Operating margin, %Measures of the efficiency of the companyEBIT/Net sales235.0/4,088.3=5.7%
Key figures per employee   
Sales per full-time employee, SEK thousandMeasures of the efficiency of the companyNet sales/Full-time employee4,088.3/3,004=1,361.9
Operating profit per full-time employee, SEK thousandMeasures of the efficiency of the companyOperating profit/Full-time employee235.0/3,004=78.2
Balance sheet   
Net indebtedness, SEK millionMeasures of the company’s ability to pay and credit risksShort- and long-term interest-bearing liabilities incl pension liabilities reduced by cash and cash equivalentsSee above.
Net debt / EBITDA, multipleMeasures of the company’s ability to pay and credit risksNet debt/EBITDA last 12 month627.6/449.0=1.40
Equity/assets ratio, %Measure of the share of assets that are financed with equityEquity/Total assets1,801.8/3,648.9=49.4
Equity per share at the end of the period, SEKMeasures of the company’s efficiency and indication of the share’s valueEquity/Number of shares at the end of the period1,801.8/22,106,849=81.5
Return on equity, %Measures of the company’s efficiency of capitalProfit before tax/Average Equity226.7/((1,801.8+1,487.1)/2)=13.8
Return on capital employed, %Measures of the company’s financing through equity and other interest-bearing capitalEBIT incl financila income/Average capital employed (= Equity incl. Interest-bearing liabilities)(235.0+65.5)/(1,801.8+396.7)=13.7
Dividend per share, SEK/shareMeasures of the company’s efficiency and value creation for shareholders
Number of full-time employeesMeasures employees’ total work volumeTotal attendance time/Standard time4.5*20,381,849=91.7
Number of employees at end of periodMeasures of the company’s ability to recruitThe number of employees at the end of the period, regardless of the degree of service
Utilisation, %Measures of the efficiency of the companyCharged time/ Total attendance time