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Nomination Committee

The nomination committee is responsible for proposing candidates for Rejlers’ board of directors and decisions on remuneration for board members and auditors. Each year, representatives from the three largest shareholders are appointed to the committee, ensuring a transparent and shareholder-driven process for key electoral and compensation matters ahead of the annual general meeting.

Nomination Committee and Shareholder Representation

The task of the nomination committee is to propose decisions to the shareholders’ meeting on electoral and remuneration issues. The nomination Committee is to propose candidates for the post of chair and other members of the board, as well as fees and other remuneration to each member of the board. The nomination committee is also to make proposals on the election and remuneration of the statutory auditor.

According to the nomination committee instruction, as decided by the Annual General Meeting (AGM), every year and no later than at the end of the third quarter, the Chairman of the Board must call a meeting of the three largest shareholders in the company, each of which is then entitled to select a representative. If any of these shareholders declines to select a representative, the Chairman shall ask the next largest shareholder to do so. However, the Chairman may only ask at most the six largest shareholders. If, in spite of this, the Nominations Committee does not contain at least three members, the Nominations Committee may itself select the appropriate number of members.

Nominations Committee for the AGM 2025
In accordance with the resolution by the Annual General Meeting on 22nd April 2020, the Nomination Committee shall consist of representatives for the three largest shareholders with voting rights on the last banking day in August of each year. The Annual General Meeting resolved to provide a mandate to the Chairman of the Board to annually contact the three largest shareholders by votes, which each appoint a representative to the Nomination Committee for the period until the next Annual General Meeting has been held or when necessary until a new Nomination Committee has been appointed.

The Nomination Committee for Rejler’s Annual General Meeting 2025 consists of: Martina Rejler, Chairperson representing Peter Rejler and Jangunnar AB, Mats Andersson representing Nordea Fonder and Johan Lannebo representing Lannebo Fonder.

Proposal to the Nomination Committee

Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee must do so by e-mail to

Proposals must be received by the Nomination Committee no later than seven weeks before the meeting.

Have any questions?

Get in touch

Anna Jennehov Chief Financial Officer, Rejlers Group

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