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Bioproduct Mill’s Side Streams to Support the Circular and Hydrogen Economy in Kannus

The Kannus region has the potential to develop into a significant circular economy cluster in the future. This became apparent in a study by Rejlers investigating technical and commercial potential to refine the side streams generated in a bioproduct manufacturing facility planned to be built in a rural area.


Project details

  • Facts

    Keski-Pohjanmaan Liitto and YritysKannus Oy are jointly promoting the green transition in the Kannus region. In the early stages of planning the bioproduct plant to be built in the area, the goal was to explore how the factory could utilize by-products from production in a way that benefits the local area.

  • What We Did

    Rejlers conducted a techno-economic study for the client, examining the possibilities for rural clean transition production using by-products from the bioproduct plant.

  • Highlights

    The collaboration was smooth from the very beginning, with clear excellence in professionalism and expertise within the team. The most rewarding aspect was seeing that the enthusiasm for exploring new opportunities was mutual. – Jukka Oravainen, CEO, YritysKannus Oy.

The Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia and YritysKannus Oy promote the green transition in the Kannus region together. In the early stages of the planning of the bioproduct mill envisioned to be built in the region, there was a desire to find out how the facility could utilise the side streams generated during production in a way that serves the region. Rejlers completed a techno-economic study for the client, investigating opportunities for the rural region’s clean transition by utilising side streams of the bioproduct mill.

“Rejlers has strong expertise in bioeconomy, the circular economy, and the hydrogen economy. We utilised the diverse competencies of our management consulting and industry sector teams for implementing the study”, says Senior Consultant Roope Mannonen, who was managing the project from Rejlers’ side.

The study was done in three phases. In the first phase, the main stream (biogas) and side streams generated in the bioproduct mill and the potential for hydrogen production were analysed. The study looked in particular at the potential for producing green hydrogen by using purified water generated as one side stream of the bioproduct facility.

The second phase consisted of evaluating which side streams are profitable when refined further. For the side streams with the most potential, the technologies required for their refining were identified, followed by profitability calculations. Study showed that the side streams can be used to refine for example fertilisers, and it is possible to utilise significant amounts of waste heat from the different process phases in district heating network or in other industrial applications. In addition, the potential for the production of hydrogen and its derivatives is seen as significant.

The last phase of the study was a high level analysis of the potential operating models of the bioproduct mill and possible collaborators. By analysing e.g. energy production, infrastructure, and logistical options in the area, a few example operating models were presented, on the basis of which a more detailed regional cooperation model can be generated.

“Kannus is excellently positioned to become a cluster of lucrative circular economy, as the entire potential of the bioproduct mill, including side streams and hydrogen or its derivatives, is harnessed as a profitable regional activity”, says Mannonen.

The study provides guidelines for future investments

The study provides Kannus with valuable information for the development of the region and a good starting point for assessing the profitability of investments.

“With the results in hand, we will continue to develop the Central Ostrobothnia region and in particular the Kannus biogas plant. At the same time, new concrete business opportunities will emerge in the Kannus Eco-Industrial Park in the future”, says Jukka Oravainen, CEO of YritysKannus Oy.

YritysKannus and the Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia are very happy with the project and its results.

“Collaboration was smooth right from the outset, and the team clearly operates at a high level of professionalism and competence. The nicest thing to note was that the enthusiasm for exploring new opportunities was mutual. Based on this study, we can warmly recommend Rejlers’ services for the various needs of the clean transition and bioeconomy”, says Oravainen.

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Marita Niemelä Head of Sustainable Energy Solutions, Finland