How we help customers meet the challenges of the future in the energy sector
Article 24.4.2024
Electricity network companies are facing a new requirement from the Energy Markets Inspectorate (Ei) regarding the publication of information on the management of grid connection of generators according to Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631. This means that electricity network companies must clearly report their plan for handling these matters and the distribution of responsibilities between the production owners and the network owners. But what does this actually mean for both the electricity network companies and their customers?
The RfG, a regulation of the European Commission (EU) 2016/631, establishes common rules for the connection of power generation facilities to the electricity grids within the EU. These rules aim to ensure the ability of electricity generation facilities to contribute to the functioning of the electricity system and to cope with the increasing amount of renewable energy production. By April 29, the electricity network companies must present a plan for how they will implement RfG in their operations.
For many, this injunction can pose a significant challenge. They must clearly set out their plans for the management of the connection of power generation facilities and the division of responsibilities between generation owners and grid owners. The requirements apply to the connection of new and, in some cases, rebuilt power generation facilities. Understanding and meeting the requirements set by RfG can be complicated.
In response to this challenge, Rejlers offers a solution that can help customers navigate through RfG and meet requirements efficiently. We offer a comprehensive service that ranges from creating a plan for the publication of the necessary information according to Ei’s requirements to managing the entire process of implementation and updates.
We help our clients to prepare a detailed plan for how to meet the requirements of the RfG and publish the necessary information. With our expertise and experience, we take care of everything from compiling and publishing information to managing any changes and updates that are required. We offer ongoing processing support to ensure that our customers have everything they need to meet the requirements effectively.
Our goal is to facilitate the process for our customers and ensure that they are ready to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow in the energy sector. By offering clear guidelines, expert support and a structured process description for handling RfG cases, we are ready to support our customers in their quest to meet the new requirements. With our focus on delivering high-quality services and creating value for our customers, we are proud to be a trusted partner in their journey towards advancing a sustainable energy future.
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