Rejlers sustainability strategy is based on a double materiality assessment. The strategy aims to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and visualises how Rejlers’ targets and activities up to 2025 relate to the targets in the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
OUr goals

SDG 3: Good health and well-being
At Rejlers, we prioritise creating a good working environment and contributing to our employees’ physical and mental health.
SDG 4: Quality education
Our aim is to be a learning organization with strong focus on training and personal development.
SDG 5: Gender equality
We work actively to increase the number of woman in the company and in leading positions. We measure status and have ambitious targest.
SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy
We participate in projects with focus on decreasing energy use and producing more renewable energy.
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
Rejlers code of conduct apply to all employees, management and board, as well as suppliers. We are currently developing our activities to further improve our contribution in this area.
SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Our highly skilled employees provide our clients with innovative solutions, supporting customers in achieving their sustainability goals.
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
Rejlers emphasises that all employees should feel welcome to the company. We are strongly convinced that a workplace characterised by diversity and inclusion provides good conditions for innovative teams and solutions.
SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
We develop solutions for future proof and sustainabile communities.
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
Together with our customers, we participate in the transformation towards resource efficient and circular industries.
SDG 13: Climate action
Our largest contribution lies in catalyzing our customers transition to a carbon lean society.
SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Rejlers code of conduct apply to all employees, management and board, as well as suppliers. We are currently developing our activities to further improve our contribution in this area.
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Our local sites
More information about sustainability at Rejlers in Sweden.
More information about sustainability at Rejlers in Finland.
More information about sustainability at Rejlers in Norway.
Abu Dhabi
More information about sustainability at Rejlers in Abu Dhabi.